Tax season has come an gone, but not everyone has finished their tax returns, instead filing the automatic extension to wait until October. The question is, will you be getting all of the deductions to which you are entitle? The same question can be asked even if you have already filed your taxes. If you short changed yourself, you can go back three years to amend your tax returns.
My book, The Tax Bible, provides details of deductions that small business owners are entitled to, but sometimes miss. They can save thousands of dollars on theri taxes by knowing some of these deductions. You can find my book at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle.
Like most small business owners and self employed individuals, you are probably more concerned about the day to day issues of running your business rather than learning what deductions you might be entitled to on your tax returns. You don’t have a staff of tax attorneys to guide you through the maze known as the Internal Revenue Code.
This book will be your staff of tax attorneys to guide you, and to provide you with legitimate deductions that you are entitled to take, but have not been doing so. I will also give you record keeping short cuts.
There is a lot of talk about a flat tax, and perhaps that would be a good thing. The chances of that happening anytime soon is remote, because politicians love to use (or abuse) the tax code to encourage investment, employment and other pet projects for their states.
I want you to learn these deductions, determine which ones will fit with your business and circumstances, and start saving thousands of dollars in taxes each year which you could be used by you to grow your business. As long as they are allowing all of these deductions and perks, why not take advantage of them yourself? Keep the money to build your business.
More importantly, I will give you methods of record keeping designed to take less of your time, and to make your tax return virtually …AUDIT PROOF
The book can be purchased at Amazon.
I think that it is obvious to everyone that there will be some dramatic changes in tax laws over the next few months. To keep you informed, I will be launching a new website in this year to keep people aware of changes. Purchasers of this book will be able to register for free for 6 months to this site. All of the details are in the book.
Start saving hundreds or thousands of dollars in taxes by ordering your copy today.
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